Monday, 25 February 2013

A Day at KidPlay


KidPlay Café. The exterior of the building is almost contradictory to what’s being advertised in the name. From the outside it appears to be bland, serene no sign of life in sight. Leading you into a misconception of what’s going on behind those doors.

Nonetheless I take a chance and go in; after all I have children? Check! They want to play? Check and I’d love a coffee? Check! So with my mental summing up done I head towards KidPlay.

On entering I’m taken in by the instant sense of warmth and friendliness from the adults present, mixed with the right balance of children’s laughter and the odd toddler tantrum thrown in for good measure. I immediately feel that we could easily be here for sometime!

I do a quick scan of the room trying to assess how the place runs. In one corner there are a group of mothers huddled round a small table with a couple of small teapots and a number of cups that never seem to run empty. One mother clearly has a sweet tooth judging by the saucer stacked with granola cookies in front of her! They are all dressed quite casually, flat shoes and trainers, no heels in sight. Hair and makeup has obviously taken a backseat to the daily routine of getting the kids ready for school on time!

They are chatting away about a plethora of subjects from holidays planned, to birthday parties coming up, the new teacher at school, the wellbeing of someone called Sarah whose father recently passed away and the latest diet fad everyone seems to be trying. Throughout this they all maintain one eye on their little ones, who are joyfully playing in the soft play area. Every now and then a mother will drop out of the conversation to issue a warning to her misbehaving child while another assures her child that, "yes we're going home soon" and another tells her nagging child for the fifth time that, "no you cannot have another Milkyway".

In another corner there is a mother sitting alone glued to her laptop and a mobile phone attached to her ear. I get the impression that she's not quite ready to surrender her old life to this new motherhood routine and as a result she is clinging on to her career through emails and phone calls. She is immaculately dressed, pristine French manicured nails, L’Oreal “because I’m worth it” shiny, glossy shoulder length hair. I glance around wondering which one of these children could possibly be hers as she hasn’t once glanced up to take a concerned look of supervision.

And then there are the two young teenage mothers. They are crowded around the photo studio corner determined to have their child’s photo taken no matter how long it takes, it seems they need this to gain confirmation that of course their child should be modeling, everyone else says so! Their children are dressed in the latest Nike trainers, Juicy Couture clothing from head to toe, their hair is looking slightly messy from all the playing they’ve been doing. Their mothers are desperately trying to slick the sides down with a lick of their fingers to prevent a messy hair photo! Sadly its quite clear that the children are more interested in climbing to the top of the jungle gym and are in no mood for having any photos taken of them, especially as they've done at least 50 so far! How much more do they need??

I watch the staff serving food from the counter to a constant stream of parents and the little ones, they appear friendly, kind and a smile never disappears from their face. I notice a couple of local businesswomen who are cleverly maximizing the opportunity of tapping into the ‘mum’ market to gain customers for their business. One a Beautician offering mani/pedis, eyebrow waxing, massages; whilst the other is selling cards, books for children and many other trinkets and keepsakes. Business seems to be slow evidenced by the way they rush to the door every time someone enters to ensure a flyer is handed over.

Then it strikes me that KidPlay is not really about the children, it’s a haven for parents in particular mothers. The mothers who have just picked up their little ones from the morning session school run, not quite ready to go home and face the piles of ironing, washing and cooking that awaits. They have found a common interest with one another and a commonplace they can come together and still maintain their friendships over a coffee knowing that their children play safely close at hand.

The woman on the laptop has found an unofficial playgroup; she can bring her child here and forget for a few hours that she is 'mum' by immersing herself in her Wi-Fi corporate world.

The two teenage mothers who cant be bothered to research nurseries in their areas and would rather stay at home than go out looking for work, at least their kids are able to play at KidPlay once a week and practice for their future modeling career!

For me, well it’s a nice way for me to see my twin boys interacting and playing with other children. It’s also a great place for writing material; there are endless untold stories to find here...